FAQ Field
This is for us to summarise some of the main issues when working with our loggers and sensors in the field...
Corrie’s trouble shooting steps for a radar velocity sensor that randomly stopped logging:
1 – Unplug battery
o Ensure battery is > 3.7V, if not likely dead battery issue
o Ensure all connections are secure and no short circuits are occurring, if issues correct based on https://www.bosl.com.au/wiki/Getting_Started_With_the_Radar_Sensor#BoSL_logging_firmware_adjustables
o Ensure no water in the case
o Ensure no corrosion on BoSL board and no damage to sensor
o If hardware issue discovered replace damaged components and ensure case is waterproof
2 – Plug charged battery in, and press reset for 1 second
o Allow ~ 70 seconds after long press for the website to receive the new upload
o If it begins uploading replace all components to their regular locations and wait for 1 logging interval to ensure it continues logging
3 – If these fixes only work short term or don’t work
1. Re-upload BoSL logger simbase, available from link in step 1 (ensure board is on an insulating surface and a charged battery is connected)
2. Replace antenna with larger one, if installed in a pit consider drilling the antenna out of the pit if largest antenna fails
3. Replace all equipment, potential for faulty hardware
Radar Uploading battery voltage only - re-do wiring connections on BoSL Board