Out of Water Turbidity

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10 June 2020

The ArduCam module was tested as it is likely to form the backbone of the out of water turbidity sensor. Its standard library was downloaded and it was wired to an Arduino Uno on 5V. This worked well, and photos were able to be taken. Next the power supply was changed to 3.3 V. This also worked well and the camera appeared to still be working normally.

When it was attempted to be connected to a BoSL board. It raised the error of not being able to detect the camera. Currently the 8MHz speed of the ATmega on the BoSL board is the suspect. Plugging in the I2C lines of the device in addition to the SPI lines allow the camera to work somewhat on the BoSL board. The connection is unreliable though, and photos will commonly not transmit. It seems that this issue is mostly due to bad quality wires used in the connection. Holding them down while trying to take a photo mostly solves the issue. The baud rate of the serial port was also decreased to 115200.