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To upload to the BoSL board please find the instructions below:
To upload to the BoSL board please find the instructions below:
==BOSL 0.5 SETUP==
Ensure that the JUPMER PIN is on the middle two - ON, not OFF or WDT. TIM at TINY to ensure all are ON.
Connect the BoSL board to your computer using the USB port, plug in a battery to the BoSL board
Connect the BoSL board to your computer using the USB port, plug in a battery to the BoSL board
Line 16: Line 19:
Click Tools > Board: > Board Manager
Click Tools > Board: > Board Manager
Install the "BoSL Boards" package
Type in BOSL and find the correct board manager - the 0.5 is in the BoSL Boards AVR B - INSTALL THIS.
Tools, boards, bosl, bosl 0.5.
Then go to file, examples and under utilities there should be utilities modem passthrough.
Upload and it should upload via the chosen COM PORT!
Pass through should work - turn off LINE ENDING such that it is NO LINE ENDING.
Try AT return - it should return OK.
Close Arduino IDE
Get Universal code. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/113Kkc1dzY9LJFRyzb-I3wgZEUTlFJLGL?usp=sharing
Update all libraries
OneWire.h by Jim Study 2.3.8
MCP7940 by SV Zanshin 1.2.0 for RTC
Arduino-sht byt Johannes Winkelmann 1.2.5 for a sensor
Change name of the SITE_ID to something unique - like DAVE
Upload to board.
Sometimes will need to unplug and plug in several times to ensure it uploads
Loop - the number of actual loops since restart - it is the loops, so if 6 average and 1 min scans, then each time on the website it will be 6 12 18 etc.
ERROR for SCAN SENSORS - this is an error - so just errors...
All error reports are from the previous attempt of uploading. So there is legacy.
UPLOAD errors are activated and should be there...The error codes are in global.h in SRC.
Check your upload here: https://bosl.com.au/IoT/testing/databases/?C=M;O=D
=config.h file=
Click Tools > Board: > BoSL Board to select the correct board for uploading
MODEM_VARIABLE_UPLOAD_INTERVAL = 1; does variable uploading - the triggers for this is in the sensor.
Unzip and open the firmware file in the IDE
SD_WRITE_LOG is the average file of the averaged datasets.
Select the correct port under Tools > Port:. This should be the one which appears only when the bosl board is plugged in.
Units in the config.h file are wrong.
Click the upload button at the top left side of the IDE window.
Names of SD card will be changed to include the site name and site id
Wait until you receive the 'Uploading Done.' message.
Uploads for variable scanning is only the latest period. SD scans all the time and SD logs are as per the log interval. the upload interval is the one that changes.

Latest revision as of 00:41, 4 October 2024

Today, Stephen went through all the steps required to make BoSL boards work awesomeomely!

To upload to the BoSL board please find the instructions below:


Ensure that the JUPMER PIN is on the middle two - ON, not OFF or WDT. TIM at TINY to ensure all are ON.

Connect the BoSL board to your computer using the USB port, plug in a battery to the BoSL board

Download the Arduino IDE (https://www.arduino.cc/en/software/OldSoftwareReleases)

Add the BoSL board package by following the instructions at https://monash-bosl.github.io/BoSL-IDE-Core/

https://monash-bosl.github.io/BoSL-IDE-Core/package_bosl.com.au_index.json from link above

FIRST go to preferences and paste in the above URL.

Click Tools > Board: > Board Manager

Type in BOSL and find the correct board manager - the 0.5 is in the BoSL Boards AVR B - INSTALL THIS.

Tools, boards, bosl, bosl 0.5.

Then go to file, examples and under utilities there should be utilities modem passthrough.

Upload and it should upload via the chosen COM PORT!

Pass through should work - turn off LINE ENDING such that it is NO LINE ENDING.

Try AT return - it should return OK.


Close Arduino IDE

Get Universal code. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/113Kkc1dzY9LJFRyzb-I3wgZEUTlFJLGL?usp=sharing

Update all libraries

OneWire.h by Jim Study 2.3.8

MCP7940 by SV Zanshin 1.2.0 for RTC

Arduino-sht byt Johannes Winkelmann 1.2.5 for a sensor

Change name of the SITE_ID to something unique - like DAVE

Upload to board.

Sometimes will need to unplug and plug in several times to ensure it uploads

Loop - the number of actual loops since restart - it is the loops, so if 6 average and 1 min scans, then each time on the website it will be 6 12 18 etc.

ERROR for SCAN SENSORS - this is an error - so just errors...

All error reports are from the previous attempt of uploading. So there is legacy.

UPLOAD errors are activated and should be there...The error codes are in global.h in SRC.

Check your upload here: https://bosl.com.au/IoT/testing/databases/?C=M;O=D

config.h file

MODEM_VARIABLE_UPLOAD_INTERVAL = 1; does variable uploading - the triggers for this is in the sensor.

SD_WRITE_LOG is the average file of the averaged datasets.

Units in the config.h file are wrong.

Names of SD card will be changed to include the site name and site id

Uploads for variable scanning is only the latest period. SD scans all the time and SD logs are as per the log interval. the upload interval is the one that changes.