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Click Tools > Board: > Board Manager
Click Tools > Board: > Board Manager
Install the "BoSL Boards" package
Type in BOSL and find the correct board manager - the 0.5 is in the BoSL Boards AVR B - INSTALL THIS.
Click Tools > Board: > BoSL Board to select the correct board for uploading
Tools, boards, bosl, bosl 0.5.
Unzip and open the firmware file in the IDE
Then go to file, examples and under utilities there should be utilities modem passthrough
Select the correct port under Tools > Port:. This should be the one which appears only when the bosl board is plugged in.
Click the upload button at the top left side of the IDE window.
Wait until you receive the 'Uploading Done.' message.

Revision as of 23:21, 3 October 2024

Today, Stephen went through all the steps required to make BoSL boards work awesomeomely!

To upload to the BoSL board please find the instructions below:


Connect the BoSL board to your computer using the USB port, plug in a battery to the BoSL board

Download the Arduino IDE (https://www.arduino.cc/en/software/OldSoftwareReleases)

Add the BoSL board package by following the instructions at https://monash-bosl.github.io/BoSL-IDE-Core/

https://monash-bosl.github.io/BoSL-IDE-Core/package_bosl.com.au_index.json from link above

FIRST go to preferences and paste in the above URL.

Click Tools > Board: > Board Manager

Type in BOSL and find the correct board manager - the 0.5 is in the BoSL Boards AVR B - INSTALL THIS.

Tools, boards, bosl, bosl 0.5.

Then go to file, examples and under utilities there should be utilities modem passthrough